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Monday, 28 March 2011

MadMoped Challenge Report The One

Bike arrived safely in John O'Groats last night as did Pete and Ken. They met no resistance from the men in skirts.

The run started on time at 0830 this morning. It is reported as very cold with a possibility of some snow flurries today.

Team Real Classic as you know have elected to use a MadMoped.......made in China and a sort of black colour with Norton decals and Commando footrests to help boost its power.

John Youg's (of this message board) team from the TR3OC are using an NVT Easy Rider moped(s). The others all appear to have opted for "modern" scooters or step throughs, at least one of which is brand new! They obviously don't understand the meaning of the word Mad, and are clearly normal people.

Anyway with Pete (of this very message board) riding they are now heading generally southwards and pointing in the direction of Lands End. Other reports will follow and some photos after today. Ken follows in the van at the moment.

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Mad Moped Challenge: Raising funds for Help 4 Heroes.
As usual I would ask those who have not made a donation to the Help 4 Heroes Mad Moped Challenge to please do so. Please be generous it is in a good cause. Either use the link that Ken put on here recently or send it to me. My e-mail above if you want more details on how to pay.

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