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Monday, 4 April 2011

H4H. Home at last

This just in from MadMike:

Well the ride finished yesterday at Lands End as you all know.

Our brave little Mopeedything died but its spirit lives on.

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of the Zoomer team I was able to ride on Thursday as planned. I rode from Shrewsbury to to Bristol where we met the NVT Easy Rider with the Real Norman Hyde as rider.

Ken the rode from Bristol to Glastonbury on the same Honda Zoomer thing.
Yesterday they rode Zoomers and so we travelled in the support vehicle.

There were a number of "stars" on the ride. The NVT was  the real star. The Bristol Boys for their sheer excitement and energy, they went fishing on Loch Lomond in the nude, rode through drainage gulleys in grass verges, and one even rode into Lands End naked.....well apart from a toilet roll middle and some gaffer tape to protect the parts that all beers eventually reach, and Glen a young chap who rode the whole distance on his Cub and who really impressed everybody with his determination. Sa, John the organisers son, who only has a CBT and rode with L plates and dayglo pink hair and says he never wants to hear another ringy dingy ding two stroke again. Then there was Craig, a young man who started up a motorcycle repair and spares business about a year ago, who contributed a whole week of his time to be a travelling mechanic and van driver. He was very kind and generous to us all and if anybody in the North East wants bike repairs done he is your man.

I haven't forgotten our own team members incidentally so here goes: -
Pete Sykes who rode 2 days through the Highlands of Scotland. Ken Rawlinson who rode in Scotland and was unfortunate enough to be the rider who was on board when the brave little mopeddy had its termional heart attack. Steve Burton (SteveB) and Steve Adcock (Dohboy) who had their own adventures as you have seen on the way to Keswick. Both were faced with no riding after the "break down" but the generosity of the Honda Zoomer team, John, Tristran and Fiona, in loaning their second bike allowed them, me and Ken to ensure that our team rode every day except the very last one. Ken for all his help to everybody and especially for putting up with my leg pulling for "murdering" the mopeddy. I was only joking Ken........honest I was. Also Ken for his passion about the event and the sheer hard work that he has put into fund raising.......Thank you Ken.

Thanks also to Will, DaveC, Pathfinder and NVNL for coming to visit us during our adventure. Board members The Nighty Gusset (sorry that should be fingers/keyboards etc etc) and Hazel. They not only came to visit us at Shrewsbury but kindly offered to take the mopeddy to their place in Telford to try and repair/ sell for charity/raffle or otherwise dispose of the remains. Gus can you take off some parts like piston etc so that I can send souvenirs to the team, please. He was proposing to sell raffle tickets for £1 each with the mopeddy as the first and only prize, with all proceeds to go to the H4H collection. So please order your raffle tickets.

Special thanks also must go to John and Cindy Morris who proposed the ride, reconnoitered the entire route, booked accommodation and navigated and rode the journey with us.
John Young also deserves our thanks for keeping us up to date with events......I was in the pub you see.

This was a truly Mad Challenge, which was accepted and undertaken by whole bunch of brave and adventurous people. Please, if you haven't donated, please do so. The people who rose to the Challenge deserve your thanks and that can best be given by making those donations.
It has been a real privilege to have taken part in this event and to have met such a wonderful, kind and generous bunch of people.

One last thing Ken has a limited number of Mad Moped Challenge lapel badges. They are £2 each please buy them from him in aid of H4H. John Young has bought 30 (he actually ordered 25 but I think he needs more......don't you John?)

Here endeth todays lesson as they say. I shall post more over the next day or so. Now it is time for curry and then just for a change I shall go to the pub.

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