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Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Now the Dust has Setted....

Now that the dust has settled and we are all getting on with life after the MadMopeddy, (is there really life after the Challenge?) I would like to thank all of those who have made donations via Pete's and Ken's links on the blog, to those who took the trouble to visit us on the journey and make donations, to the people who have sent donations directly to me and/or the others, and to those who still have collecting tins in place. I am uncertain of the final totals yet as we are keeping the "tins open" for a few weeks yet.

However having said that the known number of contributors from RC land and from this board is still very small. If everybody posting on here sent £5 it would greatly increase the size of the fund. If every non-posting visitor, watcher or lurker were to contribute £5 then we would be able to contribute thousands of pounds to H4H.

The Mad Moped Challenge was intended as a fund raising event, and it gave pleasure and entertainment to everybody I believe, so can I ask you all to dig deep and show your appreciation of the effort of Team RC, and all of the other teams. Please be as generous as you can, and more generous than normal.

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